Create an account

How do I create my Walee account?

Sign up is required to access Walee services, and you only need an Email address and to follow these steps to create your account:

  1. Download and install the iOS or Android app from on your smartphone

  2. Open the Walee app and click on Influencer

  3. Click on Createaccount to go to the Walee Sign up page

  4. Fill the required fields, your Full Name, Date of Birth, select Gender and upload your Proof of ID, such as a photo of your CNIC card, and then click on the continue button

  5. The Social Cannels information page wiil be shown. Enter your most followed social media channels by selecting channel type from the dropdown list. To enter more than one channel, click AddanotherChannel button. When done, click continue button.

  6. Enter your valid Email Address, Mobile Number, Password. Click CompleteSignup button. The email verification page will be displayed.

  7. Enter your 4 digit verification code which you would have received on your provided Email Address. In case you did not receive any verification code, click ResendVerificationCode button

  8. Click verify button.

  9. If email verification is successful, you will receive an email confirmation email stating you are now registered with Walee.

Why do I need to verify my Email and mobile number?

We need to ensure you’ve entered correct and valid Email Address and Mobile Number for security reasons, and to be able to contact you when needed.

Can I Sign up using my Facebook or Gmail accounts?

Yes, you can sign up using your Facebook or Gmail account.

Do I need two different profiles - one for web account and Walee app?

You only need to sign up for one Influencer account. Your Email Address and Password combination will be the same for both your app and access to Walee’s website.

After Sign up, how can i earn?

You can earn by applying to Opportunities Opportunities after you have completed your Profile . Simply complete the 4 step verification process from the Profile Profile screen.